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2015.1 《溪山瑞雪》获得建国65周年暨景德镇置镇1010周年青年创意金奖
2012.4 《雪溪行舟》获得江西省第二届“御窑杯”艺术陶瓷创新大赛银奖等
2013.7  《群峰竞秀》被江西省博物馆收藏
2013.4  获得“南昌红十字会人道爱心个人”
2013.11 《桃花源里得春多》 作品在上海会展中心展览
2014.7    《风雪夜归人》 作品在北京天坛博物馆展览
2015.7     《雪夜访戴》 作品在吉尔吉斯坦国家造型博物馆展览
2015. 7    《雪溪行舟》  作品在意大利米兰世博园区KIP馆展览
Author's brief introduction 
Wang Manli ,a female artist, was born in the porcelain city Jingdezhen of Jiangxi province in May, 1989. She graduated from the art and design major of Wuhan University of Science and Technology with a bachelor's degree. Moreover, she is also a postgraduate in reading of Ceramic Institute of Jingdezhen, What’s more, she is awarded the industrial artist of jiangxi province,the member of Chinese craft artist association, the member of arts association of Jingdezhen . 
Her works can afford people a lot for thought and suit both refined and popular tastes. Her works are well received by experts and senior and are successively choosen to be shown in the exhibition. Besides, her works obtain different awards more than once and are also collected by both Jiangxi craft art gallery and Museum of Jiangxi province. Among those works, “Spring in the peach garden”won the innovation art gold medal in China Shanghai international arts festival ," Snow of brook and mountain " won the young creative gold medal in the 65th anniversary of the founding of jingdezhen, "Cross the river in a cold and snowy day" won the silver medal of the outstanding work of arts and crafts of jiangxi province for the celebration of the 2015 Spring Festival, " The man return on a storm night " won silver medal of Chinese national classical painting and calligraphy competition, "Sail a boat on a river with floating snow" won silver medal in the second session of "imperial kiln cup" in Jiangxi ceramic art innovation competition. What’s more ,her papers, " My opinion about the process of China's modern ceramic art " has been published by Ceramic Studies Journal in vol.29 (4), " Brief talk about the art characteristics of ceramic snow landscape painting " has been published by Ceramics research of academic libraries in vol. 29(111) . Miss Wang is also a warm-hearted person,she often takes part in public welfare undertakings ,which has been reported by medias such as newspaper, television, network coverage. 
To a just 20-year-old girl, with the favour of enthusiasts and collectors,there is full of many possibilities in the art
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